RideInside & YOLA January 18 thru February 2025
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USAC Level 1 Cycling Coach Rod Murray brings his 26th annual RideInside + YOLA class right to your pain cave. RideInside with Rod and you will be a fitter, faster rider by springtime. It's All Thrills & No Icy Spills! Here's how it works:
- Your bike & trainer, at your locale, for a 1-hour coached ride
- Half-hour of YOLA follows each ride; Rod's yoga for linear athletes will strengthen your core and improve your mobility so you feel better on the bike and move better when you're off it
- Saturday mornings, Jan. 18 thru Feb 25. Zoom opens at 7:45 for setup; coached ride starts at 8 a.m.
- This series is designed to build your stamina and boost your power so that winter doesn't go to your waist
- 6 weeks of classes, includes RideInside + YOLA class and 2 virtual recorded workouts to do on your own. Recorded classes expire before the next Saturday class
- Strongly encouraged to have a cadence device on your bike
- Props for YoLA class: bands and blocks to enhance your mobility & strength workouts
- Drop-ins $40/class
Want to be road-ready for 2025? Register for RideInside + YOLA today.